Write Today

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” – Ernest Hemingway

For as long as I can remember I’ve considered myself a writer. I’ve had one poem in a collection, and other than that the only people allowed to read my work were my family members, close friends, educators, and students. Until now. I’ve always believed that if you want to be a writer, you write. This makes you a writer. If you sit down and put pen to paper, you are a writer. If you open your journal to reflect on the day, the years, your concerns, your to-do lists, your goals — you are a writer. You don’t need to be published, but you do need to write. Putting myself out there has been scary for me, but I feel like it is time. Writing, traveling, books, music, poetry, and even favorite movies and shows, have been a topic of conversation on a nearly constant basis since I was a child. I’ve always loved the written word, and I’ve kept most of what I’ve written hidden away, out of fear. I am starting to realize that what I put out there doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be authentic.

I have notebooks filled with poetry, personal thoughts, observations from train rides and the airport, experiences during road trips, thoughts on concerts and music festivals, and all things travel — favorite spots, hotel recommendations, and favorite memories — it’s time to stop putting all my writing in boxes and bins, and it’s time to start sharing my experiences with others. My hope is that it will inspire others to put themselves out there, as well — and that it will inspire others to start planning their next adventure.

Like I said, my writing doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be real…